The plastic bags which we use in supermarkets are usually made of polyethylene. Plastic bags appeared in the mid-50s of the last century in US and gained immense popularity immediately. When the plastic came into our daily lives, it seemed like a revolution, because it is convenient, practical and cheap.
However, the whole world has already realized how harmful this is to the ecology. Plastic bags are stored for a long time and are not biodegradable in the environment. In this regard, they form persistent pollution.
4 trillion of plastic bags are used in the world every year. They kill 1 million birds, 100 thousand marine mammals and innumerable numbers of fish. 6 million 300 thousand tons of garbage, most of which is plastic, is dumped into the oceans every year.
Some countries reduced or stopped to use plastic bags to prevent environmental pollution by them. A tax was imposed for the free distribution of plastic bags in the supermarkets in Denmark in 1994. The popularity of plastic bags among buyers decreased by 90% in Denmark after introducing of this tax. Australia has stopped to use plastic bags from 2008. Italy has stopped to use them in 2011. France has stopped in 2016 and became the first country which banned the production and sale of plastic disposable tableware.
There were some discussions about the dangers of using of the plastic bags in Kazakhstan. But there are no bans for use them in our country today. Therefore, you can find plastic bags in supermarkets. Of course, some supermarkets are trying to reduce plastic bags via increasing price for them. But we've chosen another way.
We decided to start our grocery business with paper bags. Our paper bags are made from craft paper, which is made from crushed wood and decomposes within 2 years. Paper bags from craft paper is the best way to deliver grocery products to our customer and don’t hurt ecology of our lovely planet. Therefore, the use of our service will also allow you to contribute to save the ecology of our common planet.